
Will you become one of our volunteers?

Call for volunteers

Dear Volunteer,

The sports club Quadrille was founded in 1981 by Anne Van Neste-d’Ieteren, Belgian dressage champion from 1977 to 1982. We not only cater to able-bodied riders but also promote dressage sport for disabled riders, thus offering them the opportunity to participate in international competitions.

Our objectives are:

  • To promote horse riding and more specifically dressage.
  • Provide support to its members and especially to riders and companions for participation in national and international competitions, such as Olympic and Paralympic Games.
  • Setting up competitions or participating in their organisation.
  • Promoting this sport to people with disabilities.
  • Organising training and education.
  • Organising all possible activities, taking initiatives that can contribute to the widest possible publicity of equestrian sport among the able-bodied and people with disabilities and their environment.

Organising a “happening” for riders with disabilities is only feasible if we can count on the commitment of volunteers to do so. We are still looking for a number of volunteers. Their/Your important support and help are essential for the success of the organisation. You can be sure that your cooperation will be highly appreciated by the organisation but also by the participating riders and guides.

Can we count on you?

We will take care of catering and, if necessary, accommodation.
Thank you in advance on behalf of Quadrille – Anne d’Ieteren

General Manager of Quadrille and responsible for volunteers.
Please confirm your participation using the attached “call” form.

To be returned by e-mail to: info@quadrille.bz

Do you wish to volunteer?

Then fill in the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible.

I can cooperate (tick): (Preference will be given to those who can cooperate for several days)
Job domains(Required)
Multiple choices possible
Friday 19 - Saturday 20 - Sunday 21 April
Clearing tent and arena: Sunday 21 April from 6.30pm