As President of KBRSF, it is a great honour and privilege for me to once again warmly welcome all participants, spectators and supporters to the already 42nd edition of CPEDI Waregem. This year again, Quadrille brings together talents from 16 countries and visitors will again be able to witness the remarkable dedication and skill of around 75 international combinations.
Paradressage is a testament to the resilience, determination and unwavering spirit of athletes who overcome challenges with grace and fortitude. It is a discipline where the bond between horse and rider transcends physical limitations and inspires all who witness it.
The Belgian Federation is proud of this prestigious competition, which offers athletes a platform to showcase their abilities on an international stage.I would therefore like to commend all the participants right now for their remarkable achievements and dedication to the sport. Your presence in Waregem not only exemplifies your individual excellence, but also serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration for countless others.
I would also like to express my deepest thanks to the organisers, volunteers, sponsors and partners whose tireless efforts have made this event possible. Your commitment to promoting para dressage enriches the lives of athletes and contributes to the flourishing of our sport.
May this competition be proof that through determination and perseverance, anything is possible.
I wish all participants a memorable and successful competition.